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Flint Knapper's Forum:
In an effort to meet Flint Knapper's needs we put a Flint Knapping Forum on our web site. Take a look at the new forum and post any comments or questions you may have.


Take a look at the list of events we are attending for 1999. We would love to have you stop at our demonstration booth this year!

Past Events:
Complete Past Shows List
NEW! 1999 Great Trail Festival - Week 2
NEW! 1999 Great Trail Festival - Week 1
1999 Mohican Pow Wow
1999 Wilcat Park Pow Wow
1999 The Old Fort Stuben Festival

e-mail us
Send us smoke signals via e-mail

Welcome to Woodland Originals Online!

The Native Americans used a form of stone from which they made implements used in day to day existence. Flint spears, knives, scrapers, hoes, spades, and arrowheads can be found yet today after the winters thaw and spring plowing in many parts of Ohio. Interest in searching the fields for such artifacts spurred my fancy and curiosities in wondering just how the Indians made these tools.

The intrinsic beauty and appeal of these flint pieces excites ones appetite of imagination; wondering “how they did it.” A basic understanding along with a great appreciation of the artistic creativeness and skills required is offered in this web site, which is a small contribution to the preservation of a lost art.

These arrowheads are authentic reproductions using the same materials and chipping methods that the Native Americans used centuries ago.

Hunters that enjoy the skills required in making and using “self bows” will find the materials needed to make primitive arrows to enhance their hunt.

Those who appreciate and enjoy arrowhead collecting will find accurate reproductions of the Paleo, Archaic and Woodland periods are offered along with rare curly maple display cases.

Again, thank you for taking the time to visit our site. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail us any time!

Dan & Sharon Minard

Much of our site has been redone. If you notice a link that doesn't work or an image that is missing please let us know of the specific problem and we'll correct it as soon as possible.

Thank You!

Check out our Products page for handmade tips by Dan Minard from Woodland Originals.

Place an order by calling 330-854-2129

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Copyright 1998 - 1999 © by Woodland Originals. This site may not be reproduced in any fashion, in whole or in part.

Webmaster: Mike Minard